Thursday, January 4, 2007

First post: introduction & why to have this place?

There is no real need to capture the moments of my life in a blog, at least not recently: everyone who could be interested is aware of most of them. A few events remain lost, but that is not exceptional. However, I would like to have a list of books, movies, music pieces and the like I have 'consumed' during the days. I don't know why - but you may ask as well why not?

As it is quite hopeless to capture the past, I will start here only with the recent titles (in the next post).

A final note on languages: my mother tongue is Hungarian. The years of my childhood were not the best for learning foreign languages, I was taught privately some German and English; Russian was compulsory in the school. The real use of English came in my first jobs, well after the age of 20, and German only after 40. I have been living in Austria since ages, and use German most of the time. The net effect is I enjoy reading in three languages - because reading is more or less a private entertainment; but when it comes to writing I am mostly not very comfortable with the results. I will use English here in the main part and at the bottom I will re-phrase the entries in Hungarian, too.

Let the fun begin...

Bevezetés: mi ez itt?

Akik kíváncsiak rá, mi történik velem, többnyire tudják anélkül is, hogy ezeket az oldalakat olvasnák. Persze, nem mindent, de hát ebben nincs semmi különös. Rájöttem, én szeretném rögzíteni, hogy mit olvastam, hallgattam, láttam - hogy miért? miért ne!

Egyelőre csak olyasmikről írok, amiket mostanában 'fogyasztottam', lásd rögtön, a következő bejegyzésben.

Elsősorban angolul fogok írni, mert a magyar anyanyelvemen kívül csak ezen a nyelven tudok (majdnem) hibátlanul fogalmazni. Mivel Bécsben élek, jól tudok olvasni németül is - ez a három nyelv szerepel majd itt.

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